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    市場新聞 Market News
    01 Nov 2021

    按證公司宣布定息按揭計劃恒常化 20年利息2.2厘免壓力測試
    Mortgage Corporation Announces Regularization of Fixed Rate Mortgage Plan, 20-year interest rate 2.2% exempt from stress test


    In recent years, the government has launched a 20-year fixed-rate mortgage trial plan through the Mortgage Corporation. Today, the mortgage company announced that the plan will be converted from a trial to a regular plan starting from November 1. By the end of January next year, the fixed interest rate will be 1.99% to 2.19%, with a fixed interest rate of up to 20 years and a ceiling of $10 million per loan. Some mortgage industry pointed out that the fixed interest rate is higher than the market interest rate, and fewer customers will choose it.
    Under the fixed-rate mortgage plan, each residential mortgage loan is capped at $10 million. After the end of the fixed interest period, the borrower can choose to adopt the fixed-rate mortgage or floating-rate mortgage plan at that time. The advantage is that the borrower does not need to meet the stress test of interest rate hikes, but the current contribution-to-income ratio requirements still apply.