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    27 Oct 2021

    "Four Uncle" grandnephew sold The Altitude unit for $33.98 million

    土地註冊處資料顯示,跑馬地紀雲峰低層C室,月初以3398萬成交。原業主彩麗國際集團有限公司(COLOURFUL INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS LIMITED),公司董事為李恆輝(LEE HANG FAI HUMPHREY),即恒基創辦人李兆基胞兄李兆麟、資深投資者兆安李太李佘少鴻的孫兒,亦即李兆基的侄孫。原業主於12年以3194.8萬購入,持貨9年,帳面獲利203.2萬,升值約6%。代理指,上述單位面積1451方呎、屬兩房兩套連士多房間隔,以成交價計算,呎價約23418元。

    According to information from the Land Registry, Room C on the lower floor of Happy Valley The Altitude was sold for 33.98 million at the beginning of the month. The original owner, COLORFUL INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS LIMITED, and the director of the company is LEE HANG FAI HUMPHREY, that is Henderson Foundation Dr the Hon LEE Shau Kee's grand-nephew. The original owner bought it for $31.948 million in 2012 and held the goods for 9 years. The book profit was $2.032 million, which was an appreciation of about 6%. According to the agent, the above-mentioned unit has an area of ​​1,451 square feet and is divided into two rooms and two sets of rooms with multiple rooms. Based on the transaction price, the price per square foot is about $23,418.