07 Oct 2022
壓力測試放寬 月入要求降低一成
Stress test relaxed, monthly income requirement reduced by 10%
壓力測試放寬前,若屬於首套房按揭及自用物業人士,計法以目前按息假定上升3厘後,供款佔入息比率不超於60%;現時放寬壓測後,上述計法之按息假定升幅則降至升2厘。以較多人選用之30年還款期計,壓力測試假定升幅由3厘調低至2厘後,通過壓測的月入要求降低約11%,以平均按揭額約500萬元為例,通過壓測的最低月入由$47,971降至$42,845,降低$5,126,入巿門檻即時降低; 另外,以每月入息$10,000計,可借按揭額增加高達約$12.5萬,以家庭入息$40,000為例,可獲批之按揭額增加約$50萬,以承造6成按揭、30年期計,樓價選擇可由約$695萬提高至$778萬。
The HKMA announced a few days ago to relax the mortgage "stress test" requirements, and the assumed mortgage rate increase used to assess the defense of interest rate hikes will be reduced from 3% to 2%, and adjustments will be made in accordance with market changes in due course. The introduction of the mortgage payment stress test is mainly to help homeowners cope with the pressure of rising mortgage rates, and has effectively reduced credit risk over the years. The interest rate cycle may peak next year, and it is believed that the cumulative increase in Hong Kong interest rates will not keep pace with US interest rates. Therefore, reducing the assumed increase in the stress test to 2% has provided sufficient defense for property buyers, and can also protect against bank credit risks. It will increase, making the measures more suitable for the market; I believe that it will help home buyers to prepare their budgets and prepare during the interest rate hike period, and avoid making it more difficult for buyers to enter the market when the interest rate rises, which will have a positive adjustment effect on the property market.
Before the relaxation of the stress test, if they belong to the first-time mortgage and self-use property owners, the calculation method is based on the assumption that the current mortgage interest rate will increase by 3%, and the contribution to income ratio will not exceed 60%; The assumed rate of increase was reduced to 2%. Based on the 30-year repayment period that most people choose, the stress test assumes that the increase is reduced from 3% to 2%, and the monthly income requirement for passing the stress test is reduced by about 11%. Taking the average mortgage amount of about 5 million yuan as an example, The minimum monthly income that passes the stress test is reduced from $47,971 to $42,845, a decrease of $5,126, and the entry threshold is immediately lowered; in addition, based on a monthly income of $10,000, the loanable amount can be increased by up to about $125,000. Taking a household income of $40,000 as an example, The approved mortgage amount will increase by about $500,000, and the property price option can be increased from about $6.95 million to $7.78 million based on a 60% mortgage with a 30-year term.
Before the relaxation of the stress test, the interest rate for the second-hand property market was calculated at 2.725%, and the bank would calculate the stress test at 5.725% after adding 3%. Now, after the adjustment is relaxed, the stress test is calculated at 4.725%. When it reaches the level of 3%, the contribution stress test will be adjusted to 5% for calculation. Therefore, users should pay attention to the changes in interest rates. When the interest rate increases, users need to add the rate of interest rate increase accordingly to calculate their repayment ability.
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