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    21 Sep 2021

    <名人沽貨>劉鳴煒7300萬沽帝景園 帳面勁賺4900萬
    [Celebrities selling goods] Lau Ming-Wai sold Dynasty Court for $73 million, earning $49 million in book


    The volatility of real estate stocks did not affect buyers' mentality when entering the market. According to market news, Mid-Levels Central recorded several large-scale luxury home sales in a row. Among them, the high-rise B room in Block 5 of Dynasty Court has a saleable area of ​​1,530 square feet. It is a three-room partition. It is expected to open up to the Victoria Harbour view. The original asking price was $76 million and it was sold for about $73 million after bargaining. Last month, the cost of $67.5 million was about 7% higher, which was at the ideal price level.
    According to the data, the unit is held in the name of Mutual Sky Limited. The directors include Lau Ming Wai, the son of Joseph Lau Luen-hung, and related persons. The company bought it for about $23.8 million as early as 2004, and left the market with a book profit of about $49.2 million. Appreciation 2 times during the period.