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    27 May 2022

    跑馬地百呎蚊型戶 呎租驚見112元 貴過山頂洋房
    The rent of a 100sf small unit in Happy Valley is shockingly rented out @1112, which is more expensive than a hilltop unit

    市區蚊型戶再現驚人呎租成交,英皇國際(00163)發展的跑馬地The Unit,一個實用面積僅百多呎、細過車位的蚊型單位,最新以每月1.35萬元租出,呎租驚見112元,貴過山頂洋房。
    據市場消息透露,The Unit近日連錄3宗租賃成交,實用面積117及121平方呎,全屬於開放式戶,月租介乎1.05萬至1.35萬元,其中呎租最驚人一個屬高層C室,實用面積121平方呎,以每月1.35萬元租出,呎租高達112元,呎租遠高於同區禮頓山、比華利山等知名豪宅之餘,亦較上月山頂加列山道74號一座實用面積3,106平方呎的單號洋房成交呎租約63元,高足足約78%,料創今年跑馬地最高呎租。
    The Unit位於奕蔭街,鄰近養和醫院及區內知名豪宅雲地利台,採單幢式設計,最細一伙實用面積僅96平方呎。

    Small size households in the urban area have reappeared in an astonishing square-foot rental transaction. The Unit in Happy Valley, developed by Emperor International (00163), a small unit with a usable area of just over 100 square feet and narrower than a parking space, was recently rented out at $13,500 per month, $112 per square feet, which was more expensive than a unit on the top of the mountain.
    According to market sources, The Unit has recently recorded 3 consecutive lease transactions, with a usable area of 117 and 121 square feet, all of which are open-plan units with a monthly rent ranging from $10,500 to $13,500 , of which the most astounding one is a high-rise C room , the usable area is 121 square feet, and it is rented out at $13,500 per month. The square foot rent is as high as $112. The square foot rent is much higher than that of well-known luxury units such as Leighton Hill and Beverly Hill in the same area. A single-family unit with a usable area of 3,106 square feet at No. 74 Hill Road rented out at HK$63 per square foot, which is about 78% higher, and is expected to hit the highest rent per square foot in Happy Valley this year.
    According to the photos, the above site adopts an open kitchen design, and a gray sofa is placed in the dining room. If a single bed is placed, there will be little room for activities. In fact, the area of the above site is still smaller than the current parking space in Hong Kong. According to the parking space standard of the Planning Department, the standard parking space for private cars in Hong Kong is 5 meters long and 2.5 meters wide, or about 135 square feet.
    The Unit is located on Yik Yam Street, close to HK Sanatorium and Hospital and the famous luxury residence in the area, the Ventris Place.